Requesting a Certificate
CertificationRequesting a Certificate
Garuda Sertifikasi Indonesia require authorized representative of the applicant organization to fill out the application form on the ink and provide the information necessary to determine the following:
- The scope of the desired certification;
- Common features of the applicant organization, including the name and address of its physical location, a significant aspect of the process and operations, and any other appropriate legal obligations;
- General information according to the field of the desired certification, with regard to the applicant organization such as activities, human and technical resources, functions and if available, the relationship with the larger organization, Information about the whole process is subcontracted used by the organization and will affect conformity to requirements;
- Standards or other requirements for the purposes of certification of the applicant organization;
- Information on the use of consultants associated with the management system.
- If there are missing documents, the Sales Executive will confirm this with the applicant organization
Study of Applicant Certificate
Garuda Sertifikasi Indonesia will carry out a review of the application and supplementary information for certification before performing an audit, to ensure that:
- Information regarding the applicant’s organization and has been reached the management system for the implementation of the audit;
- Requirements for certification has been clearly defined and documented, and have been provided to the applicant organization;
- Any differences in understanding between PT Garuda Sertifikasi Indonesia and the applicant organization is resolved;
- Garuda Sertifikasi Indonesia has the competence and ability to perform certification activities;
- The scope of certification, operation sites of the applicant organization, the time required to complete audits and any other activity that affects the certification activity has been taken into account (language, safety conditions, threats to impartiality, etc.);
- Records of justification decision to conduct an audit maintained.
- If the results of the application review still contain incomplete information or there is something that requires further explanation, the operational manager will confirm with the applicant organization through the PT Garuda Sertifikasi Indonesia Sales Executive
- If the information is sufficient and the application review has been completed, the operational manager will follow up at the next stage