Appeals and Complaints


Garuda Sertifikasi Indonesia establish a documented process to receive, evaluate and make decisions on appeals and complaints.

Explanation of appeals and complaints handling process IS accessible to the public.

Appeals-handling process include:

  • An outline of the process for receiving, validating and investigating the appeal, and to decide on actions to be taken, taking into account the results of previous similar appeals;
  • Scanning and recording appeals, including actions taken to completion;
  • Ensure that corrective action and appropriate corrective action has been performed.

The complaint handling process includes elements and a minimum of the following methods:

  • An outline of the process for receiving, validating, investigating the complaint danuntuk decide what action should be taken to respond;
  • Scanning and recording complaints, including actions to be taken in response to it;
  • Ensure that the correction and appropriate corrective action has been carried out

Garuda Sertifikasi Indonesia will give an official statement to the appellant and the complaint handling process at the end of the appeals and complaints.